Brand new Guaranteed way reveals

How to make Up To N300,000 Every Month In Your First Year And N500,000 -N1,000,000 As An Expert Designing High-Converting Sales Funnels

This is a complete hands on practical step by step blueprints that will teach you from scratch to mastery all you need to know to designing and building high converting sales funnels from scratch plus $750 dollar hot-cake bonuses
Hey there

If you want to make your first $1,000 online and work your way up to the top 10%…

Even if you’ve never made any money online before…

And do so in record time, without having to invest any money upfront or have any previous online business experience…

Then this will be the most important program you'll ever watch.

Here is why

My name is Emmanuel Ukairo. A few years ago, I had nothing.

Making a living was a huge struggle for me,

i just finished school and it was time to work and make a living for myself but there was nothing to show forth for it.

Things went from worse to worst, and i thought about committing suicide twice.

I decided to try my fate to make money online

So i tried my hands on some digital skills recommended on a youtube video to learn so i can start making money

I learned content writing first
few weeks later, i made my first N4000($4) online writing one thousand word article for a freelancer

It was tedious and that’s not what i wanted but then I was a bit happy, at least there is a headway

I took another few months, and learnt graphics design, and i failed wolfly at it

I moved to ecommerce, dropshipping, and in 7 months, I had already tried 4 different skills, and I did not make much from it.

That was when i stumbled upon SALES FUNNEL BUILDING

I heard it first on youtube from Rusell Brunson, and I thought this was the skill I was looking for.

I took some months off to study and master this skill and

Fast forward to today

My life has completely changed for good

And for the first time, I have people on my Dm waiting to give me their money.

I Have Founded my own design agency that pulls in 6 figures every month

Designed 200+ funnels for businesses in and across Nigeria

Worked with top industries expert that i never thought i would work with any time soon in my career

Built a funnel that have done over 150+ million naira in profits for one of myself and my clients
This was me before as a teacher earning N1,800 a week
This is me now

Just by learning and mastering one digital skill

Here is how much i have been able to make in a month designing funnels

Not just me though, here are some of my students winning with this skill
All this to say that,

when it comes to making money online, forget about the noise and untested advice from gurus telling you to invest in crypto, borrow money and buy real estate, play this sure odds start ecommerce and the rest of it

you need to focus on one thing at the beginning

That is

It’s that simple and doesn’t need any complications.

And I can tell you that 


Here is why?
Now what the heck is a sales funnel?

This is simply the entire marketing process it takes for Potential customers to make a purchase.

So this means that what you will be doing as a funnel builder is to help businesses develop selling processes that will help their potential customers to pull up their wallet and make payments for whatever they sell and in turn they pay you exactly what you’re worth.

The more you can do this very well the more businesses come to you and the more they also pay you.

Right now there is massive opportunity on the internet

100s of thousands of businesses are coming online to sell their product and services and there is no way they can do this effectively without having a proper sales funnel.

Which has created enormous opportunities for people that have This skill.

Now check this statistics gotten from Google Trends

Alot of businesses are looking out everyday to create sales funnel to sell keep their business profitable

So what does this tell you?

You can never go wrong with this skill..

So far people buy and sell online, till tomorrow, mastering this skill will put endless stream of cash in your pocket

All you have to do is get good with it

Once you get good with this skill all you need to do is to follow my exact blueprint, the secret I’m going to share with you and you’re going to have businesses going over the hills and coming straight down to your inbox For you to build funnels for them.

I know you may be wondering who am I and why you should listen to me

Well there you go

My name is Emmanuel Ukairo
I’m a full stack sales funnel Builder

I’ve been building high converting sales funnels for the past 3 years and I’ve worked with stop industry experts to design high converting sales funnel which was able to pull in 150 plus million Naira in revenue.

I have designed over 200 plus funnels Which means I practice what I preach.

So be rest assured you are learning from an industry expert and someone who has gone through that part before and his willing to lend his experiences to you to go be as well successfully

but you don’t have to believe me

See what other people are saying about me

Now I believe you know me
How would you like if I took you by the hand And turned you into a 6 figure kickass Funnel Ranger.
That is why I have created

the ultimate sales funnel mastery blueprint

This is the only step by step blueprint you need to start earning 200k- N1,000,000 designing high converting sales funnel
This is not just another course on Sales Funnel. I included every strategy, secret, and insider information the top experts know and use to make designing sales spitting funnel an easy task..

Here is a sneak peek of what you will discover in this blueprint

This is the ultimate step by step training that will show you everything you need to know to design a kick ass money spilling sales funnel

In this section, i will take you through the little known strategies that are necessary to build any kind of funnel

Once you master this, you can be able to take on any project and deliver top notch

Here is what is inside

Value - $250

Here in this section, you will get your hands dirty by building out some funnels using some sales funnels software like elementor, thrive architect, cartflows, systeme.

You will also learn in this section how to design a complete funnel with just your smartphone

The goal here is to practice your skill to mastery. You will also watch me design a complete funnel from scratch to finish

Value - $380

In this section you will learn how to automate the sales funnel. This way you can be able to create a funnel that makes money even when you are sleeping, on vacation or away for some reason or another.
Here you will learn

Value - $500

This masterclass will teach you how to write sales magneting copy for your sales funnel. Why spend months learning how to write a compelling sales copy when you can learn and master its secret in 4 hours?
Here is what you will learn
I will give you my complete sales copy swipe files containing 110+ best performing sales copies of all time.

Value - $110

In this training, I will show you how to become a high quality client magnet.

I choose to call this section the cream d la cream because this is where you become successful.

Here is what you will learn
With this section you can start making money attracting clients that are willing to pay you what you are worth.

Value - $300

In this section is all about you getting access to all the tools you will be needing to kickstart your sales funnel journey.
You will have access to

Value - $355

Nothing beats hanging around people who have the same goal as you, to share enthusiasm and ideas with.

Heard this quote
If you want to go quickly, go alone, but if you want to go far, go with people.

You will have access to a funnel rangers community where you get to ask questions, get insights and share knowledge and also get inspired to keep going.

Value - $355

There is more

Here are hot cake bonuses i have packed up for you

Why waste long days or relentless hours designing sales funnels from scratch when you can just plug in and play any of these templates and just customize to suit your brand in 20 minutes or less

When you get ultimate sales funnel mastery blueprint, you will gain instant access to these templates which are in niches like
Ecommerce, information products, and with this your journey will be made easier and you can scale up fast

Value - $100

You will gain instant access my personal archive containing best funnel building resources that will help speed up your journey.

The resources includes backgrounds, images, icons, fonts, and websites to get high quality resources for sales funnels for free

Value - $27

How would you like to see some funnels that have made over $20 million and above, watch me dissect them to show what they did that made those funnels convert like crazy, and show you how to hack their entire process to build out funnels that will never fail?

Would you like that?

Well in this bonus section, I have mapped out funnels from Imaan, Russell, Sabri suby and others to show you how they get to create result pulling funnels everytime and how you can funnel hack the entire process

Value - $37

This bonus offers an invaluable resource for legendary sales copies written by copy masters that have processed billions of dollars in revenue. 

With this swipe file you can study compelling ads and how it was written so you can follow the process to write result pulling headlines, body copy etc.

Value - $17

This bonus provides a comprehensive introduction to web design with wordpress, tailored for beginners.

Here’s an in-depth look at what this web design crash course offers:

Value - $47

As a funnel expert, you need to fully understand sales and how to be a great sales person.

With the knowledge of sales and the psychology behind it you can build funnels that sells like crazy.

You can know what to say in your funnels, how to say it so people will take the desired action you want them to take.

Grant Cardone is one of the absolute best when it comes to sales which is why you will get his $97 dollar course on 10x sales blueprint to become a master in sales yourself.

Value - $97

This is the ultimate blueprint to facebook ads and everything you need to know to create ads that brings in maximum leads and sales

Once you master this skill, you can be able to create ads or help your clients to create ads that will fill up their funnels with hot and ready to buy leads and prospects

This way, you can charge your clients more, and increase your revenue exponentially.

Value - $100

This bonus will provide you with Agency and portfolio templates for building your own funnel agency or creating a compelling portfolio so that clients can see you as a professional and it will increase your chances of being hired.

You don’t have to spend days trying to design your own portfolio
Simply import, and customize to your taste.

Value - $97

Immediately after you finish up all your training, you will be issued an instant certification to show that you are now a complete funnel ranger.

You can use this certificate to improve your portfolio and build more trust as a funnel builder.

Value - $10

Now I know you’re itching to know how much you will be paying to get access to this powerful course, and in just a minute I will tell you.

But there is something very important you need to know.

Rather than see this as an expense, I would want you to see this as an investment that will keep paying you forever.

All you need is just one client and you will cover up the money you paid for this blueprint and even make profits

You are not just getting access to another course

but one that take you by the hand and show you in practicals everything you need to know to become a full stack sales funnel builder that will attract high quality businesses that will pay you exactly what you are worth

Now About The Price?

The original price of the Sales Funnel Mastery Course is N700,000 plus hot bonuses worth N400,000 which in total is N1,100,000

And believe me, it’s still worth every penny if I decide to charge you N500,000.

But because I want to see you succeed and I understand that not everyone who is in dire need of this course can afford that amount, I’m offering it to you for a limited time less than a  fraction of that cost.

So for today until I decide to raise the price, you will be gaining access to this life-changing course for just N19,997 or $23

Here is everything you will get in exchange of your investment

Total Value: $2,582
Regular price: $97 N140,000
Today’s Price: $14 N19,997
So why am i charging so cheap for this blueprint

First, I am doing this to fulfil the promise I made to myself.

You see, 3 years ago, I took the bold step to learn this high in demand skill but I did not have the resources to do that.

All the courses, programs, and mastermind were all very expensive and I couldn’t afford it.

I had to pay for the knowledge through my nose

So I made a promise to make sure that when it is time for me to share this knowledge with others, I will make it so affordable that anyone who is interested can pay for it with their eyes closed.

Secondly, I want to prove to you that you can still get high quality value within your financial means.

The content of this course is worth $2582 but you are paying only 0.6% of that value.

How outrageously cheap is that?

Third, I want this blueprint to be available to anyone who is willing to increase their financial status through this high in demand digital skill.

Here are what more students are saying

You need to take advantage of this opportunity now or you will miss out


I’m only taking few students into this blueprint and immediately our number is completed, you will never see this offer EVER AGAIN

This is because

I want to focus on those people, see through their entire process and make sure they succeed very quicky.

Again, I offer personal mentorship to all my student and they get to talk to me personally and ask me their questions.

I want to keep minimal student so i will not burn out.

Act now so you will secure your spot before the door closes

Total Value: $2,582
Regular price: $97 N140,000
Today’s Price: $14 N19,997

You Can Never go wrong with our 100% Money Back Guarantee

Paying for this program is going to be a win-win situation for you.Your investment is protected with my 100% ironclad guarantee.

Go ahead and try this program for 90 days. If you did not get enough value to make your money back at least.

Send me a message, and i will refund you your tiny investment, and the best part is that you can keep access to the course forever.

That’s how confident I am that this program will deliver all its promises, and more.

Total Value: $2,582
Regular price: $97 N140,000
Today’s Price: $14 N19,997

I have given you everything you need to succeed in this blueprint, However if you are not interested in learning everything inside it and implement, then


You can click off this page now, and continue with what you were doing before.

I only want you to take this opportunity if your goal is to put in the work and strive to make things work.

Faith without work is dead

Here is what you need to understand

This is not a get rich quick scheme, even though you will make money quickly.

You need still need to make serious input to make that happen.

There is no room for mediocrity when it comes to sales funnel because this is directly tied to business revenue, so you really need to know what you are doing before expecting businesses to reach out to you or recommending you to other businesses.

So the whole goal about this blueprint is to

You are one decision away from becoming a funnel ranger

You can choose to do two things on this page that will give you two results;

First, Click off this page, and continue living your normal life.

Guess what, you will get NOTHING.

You may continue daily to look for ways to survive, or keep slaving at the job you are not happy with or keep being angry at everyone and everything because you can’t pay your basic bills.

This is not the result i think you will like to have

The second thing you can do is

Click on the button below and above this page, pay for this blueprint, learn everything you have to about the sales funnel.

Start getting high paying clients or start using it to grow your own business and making 200k – over 1 million naira every other month

I believe this option is the best, and speaks volume to you

So go ahead and take action

I can’t wait to see you on the inside

Total Value: $2,582
Regular price: $97 N140,000
Today’s Price: $14 N19,997

Frequently asked questions

Depending on how fast you want to be you can master this skill in 4-6 weeks.

Yes you can. There is a special module dedicated for using smartphone to design funnels. But however, i recommend you get a laptop as soon as possible if you want to scale up fast

This blueprint is so simplified that even a 10 year old can comprehend the lessons and follow very well. You are not coding anything, no rocket science.

Yes! You have infinite access to this course. The best part is that you get your personal dashboard and login details when you can login and learn anytime, anyday, anywhere you want.

This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc.

Copyright ©2024

— Emmanuel Ukairo — All Rights Reserved.